At first I liked it. With some hesitation at first I started choking as soon as it said to. I laughed at how fast I had started when it said don't worry. My laugh soon turned into a slight smile but the choking did not stop. Slowly my smile started getting bigger until it was a full-on grin. I was gleefully choking this dude while feeling myself get sorta more relaxed as the choking continued... But then it came to the point where I was anxiously waiting for him to die thinking "why won't you die?" over and over. I stopped and looked at the doll and realized I was choking myself this whole time. Hiding from reality, too scared to face the facts. I need help. Depression will not be handled by smoking weed and staying in the house. This game helped me make the bold decision to go and seek help with what's troubling me. ( I should also mention that I am currently high and I do have general anxiety.)